Ferrana, what terrific news!Anyway, great news! Sam is home and on the road to recovery. Apparently the biggest problem he had was some major bladder blockage. The food thing remains a mystery, but he's on a prescription diet now (and antibiotics).

I'm so glad to hear that Sam is doing so well! He sounds like such a character! That's OK - you can post pictures later when you're not so busy. Your description of him "draws a picture" in my mind! I'm sure that having Sam well again must have lifted your Dad's spirits.
That's so sad that your Dad has to deal with Parkinson's. I hope they can find some help for him soon.
That must have been an adorable picture of your Sheltie puppy attacking Sam's paw, with Sam being so big! But they must have ended up being friends later.
I'll let you go now. I hope your sick baby gets well soon and good luck on that thesis!

Sue and Kids
Nikki, Buster, and Shadow the kitties and Sparky the dog[/b]