This is my first time here! I have 2 cats (actually one of them is my fiance's cat). I have a orange tabby name, Jingle & American Wirehair female cat name, Puddin'. I just adopted Jingle in December & he just became one year old last month & Puddin' is going to be 10 next month.
Jingle is a little devil around here! He loves to chase Puddin' around the house & bite her neck. Once in a while, he would attack her while she's asleep. Puddin' hates it so much & she don't even like him
Puddin' doesn't like any of cats that she meets. She's picky cat! She doesn't even like to be held either. But she's really smart & she understood what's the rules around here!
Jingle is afraid of almost everything like thunderstorms, men, strangers, bathtub water running & loud 18-wheelers trucks goes by our house. he would run under my bed & stay there for a while. My fiance called him "Mama's boy" because I keep spoiling him all the times. Puddin' isn't afraid of anything except water spray-bottle.
I did enjoy reading your messages on the board about your cats - it's really neat to hear another stories beside mine. Hope to hear from you!