Traci wrote:LM, Leilah doesn't look a day over 5
She's just as beautiful as ever, and celebrating 16 years is something to smile about! HAPPY SWEET 16, LEILAH!!!!!!!!
(what happened a few months ago?)
Thanks everyone!! It really is a sweet sixteen for this girl. She is everything to me.
Traci, it's a loooong story, but here it is:
A few months ago, after getting fussier slowly for over a year, starting after with a very close call with pancreatitis (caught on a routine checkup, never became acute), she'd just about totally stopped eating. Of course she was closely monitored that whole time and nothing unusual was ever found. For quite a while I attributed it to aging.
But last spring it accelerated. Before I knew it I was trying anything and everything to feed her. It got to the point that it didn't really matter what she ate (lower fat of course for her theoretically now okay pancreas) because she needed the calories so bad. Lots of nutrical was shoved into her mouth. I was not about to quit on this dog, especially with no diagnosis on the horizon, especially since she was still smiling quite a bit. It was a tough fight for a while.
She went from a slim 31 lbs to about 26 and was getting skeletal (she's just shy of 20" tall). No reserves whatsoever if something went wrong. I had to take in the elastic braces I made for her problem shoulders and elbows (she's an orthopedic mess). She was confounding some of the best specialists in this city. Test after test, and nothing could account for any decline, especially such a serious one.
She hasn't had any sign of cancer since she was 7 years old, her bloodwork was spot on perfect including tests for mast cell, urine and fecals good, echo cardiogram normal (for her--she's had a heart murmur for a few years now), abdominal ultrasounds okay, pancreas wasn't great, but not nearly bad enough to cause anything like this, thyroid slightly off but again not enough to cause this, specialized tests for Addison's were negative twice, blood pressure good with no spikes detected...
It didn't make any sense to me or any of these vets that such a healthy dog on paper was obviously in so much trouble. It was maddening for everyone and I was losing my girl!
Internist vet decided to take an educated guess that it was something in her gut (as opposed to a sick organ), and he put her on wormer, flagyl, and prednisone. That did it! She's gained over *8* lbs, is now on a diet to lose two of them to help those poor shoulders of hers. We are likely to leave her on Flagyl and pred for the rest of her life for palliative reasons if nothing else. She's been on traumadol for quite a while now due to those ortho problems. Better living through chemistry!
Last Friday her checkup was excellent and she's up to 34.5 lbs. Vet wants me to leave her there but I feel it will be too much for her ortho problems (hips too) and want to get her down to about 32. Bloodwork is still pending but I expect no surprises. I am just amazed at her comeback. Old dogs don't usually make such a dramatic turnaround.
She's feeling great again, enough to raid my bagel that I left on my nightstand only for a second last weekend as well as try to climb up the piles on my night stand to see what's there. I haven't needed bitter apple since she was a pup but I'm using it now! She hasn't acted this bored in a very long time.
I still take her to agility class to let her play on what she wants to, which is usually tunnels, weaves, and occasional dog walk and teeter. She wears a modified life jacket for me to hold her steady when she needs it. She will take tunnels on her own over and over, it's hilarious. We walk up and down the sidewalk along my house for about 15 mins most nights after work. It's up to her when she's had enough to stop at our gate but often she has me picking up MY pace a bit as she beagles along.
Sleeping through the tunnel?

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend:and inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
-- Groucho Marx