Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
My husband went to my moms this morning to do some work he called me to get up there right away...
One of Mom's cats had kittens a few days before and she thought there was a dead one on the front step...he picked it up and it was still alive...COLD but alive...
So I filled a water bottle with hot water...grabbed a blanket and out the door...got the kitten situated on the car seat beside me and drove 30 miles to Petco for KMR and bottles...
Got there....carried blaknet, hot water bottle and kitten all in and situated them into the cart...by now the kitten had warmed up and was moving quite well and letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was HUNGRY....
got the KMR powder and bottles...the cashier there sterilized the scissors for me to use to cut a nipple...and I washed the bottle and nipple out....she gave me some of their bottled water they use for the Humane Society cats as well...I wanted to get formula into it ASAP not knowing when it last had anything to eat....
I stood there at the counter and it drank the bottle down...not alot as again, I was not sure when it last ate and did not want to gorge it right away....people were oohing and awwwing over it.....one woman stood back and when it was done, she asked if she could hold it and held out her hands...she snuggled it to her face and said it had been a while since she held something so tiny....we got to talking and she has raised newborns before...has kitten heating pads and the whole bit...
I said that with my work hours, I cannot take it into work with me and need to find someone who can care for it 24/7 with the every couple hour feedings it will need for a while...her eyes lit up and she said she would do it...I asked if she was sure...she said she was 5 months pregnant and high risk so her doctor has her on home rest and she has nothing to do....
the baby finished eating....I took it to the bathroom and it peed and peed and peed....they gave me a carrier box for her to take it in her van and I sent her home with the blanket and formula and bottles....
AND...get this....of course we exchanged names and phone numbers and she said I can call ANY time to find out how it is doing, and she will have it into the vet within the day or two for a checkup...
I asked where she lived and she said, "Oh I live out in XXXXX" I started to laugh and said, "So do I!"....we BOTH live in the SAME very small town....about 2 blocks away from each other!!!!
So she laughed and said, "Well then, stop up and visit any time!!"
One of Mom's cats had kittens a few days before and she thought there was a dead one on the front step...he picked it up and it was still alive...COLD but alive...
So I filled a water bottle with hot water...grabbed a blanket and out the door...got the kitten situated on the car seat beside me and drove 30 miles to Petco for KMR and bottles...
Got there....carried blaknet, hot water bottle and kitten all in and situated them into the cart...by now the kitten had warmed up and was moving quite well and letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was HUNGRY....
got the KMR powder and bottles...the cashier there sterilized the scissors for me to use to cut a nipple...and I washed the bottle and nipple out....she gave me some of their bottled water they use for the Humane Society cats as well...I wanted to get formula into it ASAP not knowing when it last had anything to eat....
I stood there at the counter and it drank the bottle down...not alot as again, I was not sure when it last ate and did not want to gorge it right away....people were oohing and awwwing over it.....one woman stood back and when it was done, she asked if she could hold it and held out her hands...she snuggled it to her face and said it had been a while since she held something so tiny....we got to talking and she has raised newborns before...has kitten heating pads and the whole bit...
I said that with my work hours, I cannot take it into work with me and need to find someone who can care for it 24/7 with the every couple hour feedings it will need for a while...her eyes lit up and she said she would do it...I asked if she was sure...she said she was 5 months pregnant and high risk so her doctor has her on home rest and she has nothing to do....
the baby finished eating....I took it to the bathroom and it peed and peed and peed....they gave me a carrier box for her to take it in her van and I sent her home with the blanket and formula and bottles....
AND...get this....of course we exchanged names and phone numbers and she said I can call ANY time to find out how it is doing, and she will have it into the vet within the day or two for a checkup...
I asked where she lived and she said, "Oh I live out in XXXXX" I started to laugh and said, "So do I!"....we BOTH live in the SAME very small town....about 2 blocks away from each other!!!!
So she laughed and said, "Well then, stop up and visit any time!!"
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
WOW....Today is my lucky day for finding kittens homes!!
When I had posted on my Facebook about the newborn, I had friends offering to take it....
one gal I have known for years said she had been wanting a kitten and was interested....I messaged her back and said that this newborn had a home, however, I had a tortuiseshell that I needed to find an indoor home for before winter as she is sooooo TINY....about half the size of her remaining littermate....at 4 months she still sits in the palm of a hand!!
She called me and said she wanted to see her, so I just got back from her place....little Lightbulb as we have called her, has a new forever home with a college girl who's roommate is a vet med major...she is also bringing a kitten back from home this weekend....the runt from her parents barncat litter...she did not want it left outside over winter and has been making her parents care for it inside!!!! It is now old enough to not need the 24/7 care and can be left for a few hours while she is in classes or working....
The two kittens will have each other to play with...and mom's that will spoil them rotten!!
I will call the local vet tomorrow and have them transfer her records from our folder to the family folder of the girl who took her...Lightbulb has had her first set of shots and dewormed...
When I had posted on my Facebook about the newborn, I had friends offering to take it....
one gal I have known for years said she had been wanting a kitten and was interested....I messaged her back and said that this newborn had a home, however, I had a tortuiseshell that I needed to find an indoor home for before winter as she is sooooo TINY....about half the size of her remaining littermate....at 4 months she still sits in the palm of a hand!!
She called me and said she wanted to see her, so I just got back from her place....little Lightbulb as we have called her, has a new forever home with a college girl who's roommate is a vet med major...she is also bringing a kitten back from home this weekend....the runt from her parents barncat litter...she did not want it left outside over winter and has been making her parents care for it inside!!!! It is now old enough to not need the 24/7 care and can be left for a few hours while she is in classes or working....
The two kittens will have each other to play with...and mom's that will spoil them rotten!!
I will call the local vet tomorrow and have them transfer her records from our folder to the family folder of the girl who took her...Lightbulb has had her first set of shots and dewormed...
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
Gives another meaning to the word "Labor Day." Bad joke, but a very good day for you and the kittens! You done good!
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
Thanks for making my day, Tambrey. Beautiful 'tails' !
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
got this message from the college girl friend of ours this morning....
She is doing great! She has a super cool sparkly pink collar to match her super fuzzy pink bed. She apparently loves car rides. She slept all the way down! Last night went very well with no accidents and not a peep out of her. And she has been given a very regal name...Duchess. I think it matches her personality! It took Sara and I our whole trip down to think of something that matched the way she was acting. TOO cute!.
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
I wish they would send kitten pics !
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
I told her she had better post pics of Duchess in her new abode!!!
and I will call the foster/maybe forever mom of the baby and see how it has fared over the last 24 hours when I get home from work this evening
and I will call the foster/maybe forever mom of the baby and see how it has fared over the last 24 hours when I get home from work this evening
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
Tambrey - congrats on finding just the right person. Sounds like you were very lucky. BTW - Is there no way to return this kitten to its mom?
"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." ~ Josh Billings.
Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
No...unfortunately, the baby cannot be returned to its mom....and it was left on Mom's doorstep by one of the cats...so who knows WHY....
I did go visit Koda/Coda (not sure of spelling) today.... she is being spoiled ROTTEN as well....the family.....the woman who took her home, her fiance, and her future brother-in-law...all syncronized their cell phones to make sure that they were on time getting up for feedings and going potty...however, the brother-in-law...maybe 19 or so...has taken a fondness to her and considers her to be his...when she is done eating and going potty, she snuggles against his ear and nuzzles and sucks his earlobes....and he gets her out on the floor to climb on his arms and neck....
When I left there this evening, he thanked me profusely for allowing him to have this opportunity to get to know this tiny kitten and raise her!!
He was a bit concerned that she did not have a bowel movement yet today...she did yesterday...so he was watching vet shows on TV and one said to use a paper towel with warm water and rub in a circular motion, so he was trying that to see if she would go...
As for the older tortuiseshell.....well.....I will let the picture speak for itself

I did go visit Koda/Coda (not sure of spelling) today.... she is being spoiled ROTTEN as well....the family.....the woman who took her home, her fiance, and her future brother-in-law...all syncronized their cell phones to make sure that they were on time getting up for feedings and going potty...however, the brother-in-law...maybe 19 or so...has taken a fondness to her and considers her to be his...when she is done eating and going potty, she snuggles against his ear and nuzzles and sucks his earlobes....and he gets her out on the floor to climb on his arms and neck....
When I left there this evening, he thanked me profusely for allowing him to have this opportunity to get to know this tiny kitten and raise her!!
He was a bit concerned that she did not have a bowel movement yet today...she did yesterday...so he was watching vet shows on TV and one said to use a paper towel with warm water and rub in a circular motion, so he was trying that to see if she would go...
As for the older tortuiseshell.....well.....I will let the picture speak for itself

Re: Oh To Be at the Right Place at the Right Time!
Wow! What a wonderful thread! For me it has been like following an exciting movie...
So, my question right now is, is this pic of "Duchess" ??? Who is now in Ames, I speculate?
E's Hobbit
Formerly (at one time or another) denizen of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado... I get homesick for the Heartland sometimes: you folks are the Best!

E's Hobbit
Formerly (at one time or another) denizen of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado... I get homesick for the Heartland sometimes: you folks are the Best!