kitkat wrote:You have come through before-
please send good thoughts/ prayers - our yorkie is having emergency surgery to enable him to breathe - suffers from laryngeal paralysis.
Thank you in advance
Emregency Prayer Request
Emregency Prayer Request
This was just posted on my SHE forums...she posted in our Joys & Concerns and I said I would cross post here for her as well...thank you
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
kitkat wrote:Thanks Ladies- still no word...
you must have done something right - so far so good. Yorkie got through surgery, his airways are open, main fear right now is swelling which would close it up again- hoping for no news tonight.
Thanks so much!
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
My thoughts and prayers go out for this little yorkie boy, hoping surgery is a success, but be prepared for a possible lengthy recovery. Try to advise owner that vet may not release him until good breathing is established, no swelling, no infection brewing (antibiotics will be needed), and to have owner keep in constant contact with vet once dog is home, plus followup.....((((HUGS)))))
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
Thanks Traci...I will forward your message on to her!
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
Well, I was just checking her thread and the yorkie came through well this morning but this afternoon at 3:30 central time she posted that he now has pneumonia and it does not look good 

Re: Emregency Prayer Request
Oh no, is he at a competent vet? ER with experienced vets? If treated agressively with agressive antibiotics, there is hope.....((((HUGS)))))
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
I hope so.....she talks about the surgeon as well as the vet...and he is on antibiotics...but I do not know where she lives....
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
5:30 update
6:07 updatekitkat wrote:LadyHawke- unfortunately, his chances aren't good. I am hoping against all odds.
Thank you for the info- I was aware of potential problems.
We live 5 min. away from an emergency facility.
kitkat wrote:Last update:
no major change in his condition, he is on heavy antibiotics, his blood sugar has improved, still has fever but has not got worse...
and according to the latest: It's aspiration pneumonia with fluids in the lungs,
he has no more fever and a bit less wheezing, but otherwise is about the same...
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
Was the pneumonia the result of surgery?
When did the fever occur, did the vet/surgeon check all blood parameters/pre-exam before surgery? "his blood sugar has improved" he diabetic?
When did the fever occur, did the vet/surgeon check all blood parameters/pre-exam before surgery? "his blood sugar has improved" he diabetic?
Re: Emregency Prayer Request
I posted your questions to her...she has posted that
kitkat wrote:Thanks so much LadyHawke, mom 91, mamabear, Annie,Grammybug,Starfish, Hopeful, and all others who may not have posted or posted on the other threads.
As of this morning - no change, it can still go either way, he is lethargic, no fever (the only good sign). The next 24-48 hrs should tell.