My Story
Re: My Story
Lisa, it appears you have a password-protected image account, look around your account and see if there is an option for you to "share" your pictures on the net such as forums, emails, etc.
Re: My Story
You did it
However, is there a section in your photo image account that allows you to slightly enlarge the pic? (not too big, should be around 300px)

Re: My Story
Well, ole Cotes still hanging in there...subq's, eating, drinking, sleeping with me at night...on the PC monitor, or in the windowsill behind it all day...
There are some very subtle odd behaviors, and I was wondering how to distinguish between basic 'cat oddities', and behavior that signifies something else...
i hate to even type this, but are there signs that a cat is failing further? (I mean, other than the very obvious, which I would know)...
Examples of his unusual habits lately:
He hasnt left my (downstairs) bedroom for over 2 weeks (other than vet visits) Yesterday, I was gone for several hours & when I came home, he HAD left the bedroom & was upstairs in a bedrrom closet...He seemed fine, came down & ate heartily...everything was back to the same....Was he looking for me??!
Also, his movements seem kind of quick---like if he leaves the PC to go to his box, when he jumps back up on the desk hes kind of frantic (for lack of a better word)
He grooms himself quite a bit, and doesnt seem to spend the typical amount of time sleeping soundly (even at night) as most cats do..(or, as he used to)
These things didnt just happen overnight, but they are staying the same day in & day out..Any observations would be appreciated!
There are some very subtle odd behaviors, and I was wondering how to distinguish between basic 'cat oddities', and behavior that signifies something else...
i hate to even type this, but are there signs that a cat is failing further? (I mean, other than the very obvious, which I would know)...
Examples of his unusual habits lately:
He hasnt left my (downstairs) bedroom for over 2 weeks (other than vet visits) Yesterday, I was gone for several hours & when I came home, he HAD left the bedroom & was upstairs in a bedrrom closet...He seemed fine, came down & ate heartily...everything was back to the same....Was he looking for me??!
Also, his movements seem kind of quick---like if he leaves the PC to go to his box, when he jumps back up on the desk hes kind of frantic (for lack of a better word)
He grooms himself quite a bit, and doesnt seem to spend the typical amount of time sleeping soundly (even at night) as most cats do..(or, as he used to)
These things didnt just happen overnight, but they are staying the same day in & day out..Any observations would be appreciated!
Re: My Story
I dont know if that pic link will work....Im having quite a time trying to succeed with pictures, arent I??!!! 

Re: My Story
The link worked, Cody is a gorgeous boy!!
However, he appears on the thin side, did your vet say anything to you about that? While weight loss is common in renal patients, you might ask your vet about his weight, and each time you're at the vet's, make sure his weight is recorded.
When was his last vet visit? Are you giving sub-q fluids at home? Is he eating a normal amount on a daily basis? Is he drinking normally, and urinating normally, or has his appetite decreased, his drinking decreased? Do you know how to check for dehydration daily?
I would mention the behaviors to your vet...they may not be concerning, but you do want to rule out the following: weakness due to potassium or calcium deficiencies or excesses, weight loss as a result of not eating sufficiently, pain or nausea related to dehydration or due to painful kidneys, if Cody has or is vomiting, address that with your vet immediately, check his extremeties (limbs and paw pads), if they are cool or cold to the touch, he could be slightly anemic, in which you'd want to address with your vet immediately.
Where is the litterbox located? Is it easily accessible to him? If not, and if he has to climb stairs to get to his litterbox, provide a second litterbox near the area he frequents most (your bedroom).
Staying in only one room for most of the time, and seeking the closet could be indicative of weakness, exhaustion, pain or depression, do talk to your vet about this promptly. You want to be absolutely certain he is not lethargic, painful or nauseated, dehydrated etc. If your vet hasn't rechecked bloodwork since you posted here, ask for a recheck promptly, you need to know if the kidney enzymes are normalizing or not and if further treatment may be necessary.
However, he appears on the thin side, did your vet say anything to you about that? While weight loss is common in renal patients, you might ask your vet about his weight, and each time you're at the vet's, make sure his weight is recorded.
When was his last vet visit? Are you giving sub-q fluids at home? Is he eating a normal amount on a daily basis? Is he drinking normally, and urinating normally, or has his appetite decreased, his drinking decreased? Do you know how to check for dehydration daily?
I would mention the behaviors to your vet...they may not be concerning, but you do want to rule out the following: weakness due to potassium or calcium deficiencies or excesses, weight loss as a result of not eating sufficiently, pain or nausea related to dehydration or due to painful kidneys, if Cody has or is vomiting, address that with your vet immediately, check his extremeties (limbs and paw pads), if they are cool or cold to the touch, he could be slightly anemic, in which you'd want to address with your vet immediately.
Where is the litterbox located? Is it easily accessible to him? If not, and if he has to climb stairs to get to his litterbox, provide a second litterbox near the area he frequents most (your bedroom).
Staying in only one room for most of the time, and seeking the closet could be indicative of weakness, exhaustion, pain or depression, do talk to your vet about this promptly. You want to be absolutely certain he is not lethargic, painful or nauseated, dehydrated etc. If your vet hasn't rechecked bloodwork since you posted here, ask for a recheck promptly, you need to know if the kidney enzymes are normalizing or not and if further treatment may be necessary.
Re: My Story
Things are not looking good today......
His litterbox is right here; feet from the PC monitor...
Not only is he not on the PC today.....he wet the bed last night......
How in Gods name can I part with him???
Intellectually, I know he cant get better...or younger...Emotionally, this sucks.... 
His litterbox is right here; feet from the PC monitor...
Not only is he not on the PC today.....he wet the bed last night......

How in Gods name can I part with him???

Re: My Story
Ever the rollercoater of emotions....He just went in the box & then jumped up to lie in the windowsill.. 

Re: My Story
Lisa, get Cody to your vet, or an emergency vet RIGHT NOW. His loss of bladder control is concerning, it could be because he is weak due to a calcium or potassium loss....don't wait, get him seen NOW! It may be able to be treated easily with fluids and a supplement, but don't wait around to see, get him in RIGHT THIS MINUTE.