I went out and there is a cream coloured with a brown sugar coloured head cat hunched down...its entire face is covered in gunk...and its eyes are sooo icky that I do not even know if or how well it can see, or how it even got to our front porch from who knows where, as I have never seen this cat even in the vicinity of our house or street...
I put the carrier with some canned smelly food in it, near the cat, and it is not even going in...I do not think it can even smell the food

However, it did get up to move and is just skin and bones...and a ratty tail...I fear that this one is beyond help

I wish there was another option, but I just cannot see the vet doing much for this one...at least not without alot of money, which I just do not have...
If I won the lottery or had unlimited wealth, you can bet I would do whatever I could for this baby...but then, I would end up with 11 inside...LOL...I am still trying to find homes for at elast four of my current residents...
Ohhhh....I hate decisions such as this...who am I to decide this cats fate?!...It came to our home for a reason...from somewhere it managed to make its way here...and I hate to just take it and end its life...but it just looks to me like it is too far gone to be able to save...
I know...we have all rescued others who were in the same boat, and they made it...and that is what makes it so hard to decide...but it comes down to time, money, and safety of the other cats and ourselves...and the fact that we are getting ready for a homestudy to adopt...
I can come up with soooo many reasons...and none of them sound good enough to end another creatures life...they sound hollow...but...I don't know....I just don't know....