just a comment on non surgical neutering::
just a comment on non surgical neutering::
Traci had mentioned about an article (advertisement) in DVM magazine. This is just an opinion but a similar procedure was done years ago and found to go over like a lead balloon..your vet will probably know more about the new Neutersol inj. but personally i would hesitate to have it used untill more studies are done..Might be good to ask your vet how many he/she has done and what were the results....Years ago the some procedure was tried and the results were pretty bad...Obviously i am no authority on Neutersol so may be whistling Dixie, but still ask before it is done...
I appreciate your suggestions. It would be nice if this would end up being a safe alternative...I always worry about my babies going under anesthetic.
While we're on the topic of neutering....what is a good age to have a male puppy neutered. I am getting a male pomeranian in a few weeks and a female in September. They will be two months apart in age. I don't want to take the chance of her becoming pregnant.
While we're on the topic of neutering....what is a good age to have a male puppy neutered. I am getting a male pomeranian in a few weeks and a female in September. They will be two months apart in age. I don't want to take the chance of her becoming pregnant.
- oconnorjoy
- Posts: 315
- Joined: Thu May 01, 2003 12:06 pm
- Location: Canada
Sorry guys!
the above post is from me...forgot to login again 

shoot...think i lost my reply so here it is again in short..
i like to neuter them (spay and castrate) as soon as i felt they were large enough to take anesthesia safely ie 6 weeks to three months or 3 pounds plus..i never sqw the probles of lack of maturity in these animal that some people said early neutering prevent full maturity...i never had a full mature dog,k they all still acted like pups till the day they died...Many SPCAs neutered early than this to find the pups home....i had all the articles on my D-drive which crashed....but again, my opinion, and only mine, the earlier the better....
- Mary Plummer
- Posts: 908
- Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:29 am
- Location: Michigan
Congrats on the new pups, oconnorjoy! I always worry...
...about anesthesia too (we can't help the worry, can we
, but from the excerpts Traci posted, this procedure doesn't sound very pleasant for the pups. Mr. Blue wasn't neutered until 1 1/2 years, because he gone through heartworm treatment right after we got him, at around 8 mos. of age, and they wanted to let his heart and lungs recover fully before using the anesthesia. I was panicky, but he came through the procedure just fine! Can't wait to see pics of your new additions!

I personally prefer at 6 months, but as Davet said, shelters and other organizations neuter earlier. It should be based on a case by case basis, weight, etc. I also always recommend a pre-surgical screen to monitor liver and kidney function prior to anesthesia. Your vet can break this down to about 4 chemical enzymes: BUN, ALT, Total Protein and PCV.
- oconnorjoy
- Posts: 315
- Joined: Thu May 01, 2003 12:06 pm
- Location: Canada
one more point,,neutering the male can be done under::
;light sedation and local infiltration...this is done in risk cases and should not be done routinly ....but it is a safe procedure....