It is probably doing Doc a world of good to explore a little, be aware of his new siblings, etc. He has a lot of scents to discover and take in, and a new home to discover! That he is comfortable in doing so, wonderful!! I think with each new day, Chunk and Lucy will be just fine.
Ok...this morning's little intro session wasn't quite as smooth as the others, but still nothing major. Doc got a little too eager to get to know Chunk and being the anxious cat that he was it upset him a bit. Doc didn't mean anything by it and when Chunk indicated he wasn't happy (with that whiney throat growl) Doc heeded it and backed away. Doc was just trying to play, bless his heart, and Chunk just isn't ready. So I'll keep them apart for the rest of the day I think and try again tomorrow. I didn't do any play or give any treats so that could have been part of it. I also think Chunk was in a position where he felt cornered, because he had walked into the bathroom and had no easy escape (He could have got by Doc but not as easily if he had been out in the open). Ironic, because that is what Chunk does to Lucy ALL the time. He doesn't like it when the tables are turned. Silly boy.
This indicates to me that Doc has pretty much fully recovered...between his desire to really play with Chunk and Lucy as well as his return to hiding behind something and jumping out to attack me when I walk by, yep...the old Doc is back for sure!
Tina B and "what a crew!"
How we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven ~Robert A. Heinlein
I guess today wasn't the day to get the kitties together...but this was bound to happen eventually. Doc and Lucy were playing and Doc got a little over zealous and pounced at the string at the same time Lucy went for it. Needless to say Lucy wasn't happy, but at least it didn't start anything. She just kind of did a whiny growl and looked at him like "what the heck?!" Chunk kind of got upset and came over with tail all puffed up like he was ready to defend Lucy, but I herded him on out and then all was well. I think Doc's energy is pent up and he's really anxious to play more. He swatted playfully at Chunk a few times but Chunk gave paid no attention. Over all I think it has went well.
Doc's energy really is about at his pre-surgery levels. Amazing how much he just came back! He's pouncing, and bouncing, and running, and jumping! I love it!
But sometimes he just wants to chill and get scritches:
Tina B and "what a crew!"
How we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven ~Robert A. Heinlein
He LOVES his new feather toy. I took his bandage off for a while and he LOVED the freedom of getting his neck scratched (by me and hubby, not him). I will either have them remove the e-tube next chemo visit or I might take him to my vet next week and have it removed since we need to do a CBC anyway.
Don't mind the dirty throw rug. The cats love it for some reason. I hate it but keep it there for the cats. They like to pull it under the door all the time for some reason. Silly cats and the things we do for them!
He's looking quite healthy isn't he?
Tina B and "what a crew!"
How we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven ~Robert A. Heinlein
These pics are wonderful, he looks so happy and content!!!
I only have a couple floor rugs for the cats, they love them too and love to play UNDER them, scrunch them up etc. They're usually trashed easily enough, so I just get the cheap ones at Walmart.
We resumed the short intro sessions again too. I'm keeping him isolated right after chemo for the day but I let the kitties in last night and this morning and they did fine.
Tina B and "what a crew!"
How we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven ~Robert A. Heinlein
As I had a feeling it would be Each day is another step for the kitties to get to know each other, and you're doing a wonderful job with the introductions!
I let Doc out of the bedroom this evening for about 45 minutes. He has SO much energy! He tried to play with both Lucy and Chunk - Lucy kind of obliged, Chunk not so much. Chunk is scared. But it was funny when Doc and Lucy did their little play dance Chunk came running with his tail all puffed up! It's almost like he's the big brother that says "I can pick on her, YOU can't!" At one point Doc ran after Chunk and kind of upset him. They were starting to get a bit rambunctious so I said something to Doc and he hauled butt back into the bedroom like the wind! He knew he was in trouble...ha ha! He's such a good boy, they are all being really good! I hope it continues. I think Doc is going to be a force to be reckoned with for Chunk!
Tina B and "what a crew!"
How we behave towards cats here below determines our status in heaven ~Robert A. Heinlein
I think it is obvious that Doc is so grateful to be in a loving home with such special tender care that he is beside himself! As long as introductions are slow and still going smoothly, Chunk will probably come around and be more inquisitive of Doc. Also, once he acknowledges friendly action between Doc and Lucy, he might want to be included in the action at some point. That said, do be sure not to change anything as much as possible and continue to give Chunk a lot of individual love and attention too. Just don't make anything so obvious that it seems too much or overwhelming for him. (the more things stay the same, the better for all). I think so far, things are going beautifully!
Any chance you can snap a quick pic of all three when they're checking each other out? (I realize the difficulty in this, especially if they are on opposite sides of the room, too fast for the camera etc)