Please use the 3-minute rule as your guide. You don't want to let any seizure persist past 3 minutes without using the valium, because the longer the seizure is, the more potentially dangerous it can be. Please confirm this with your vet. The valium is probably a relatively low dose, so even if she had to get to the ER, additional meds aren't going to interfere with the previously given valium too much.
Hopefully, the newly adjusted dose will work, hang in there, know that Maggie is in my thoughts and prayers for successful treatment!
Question about phenobarbital
Re: Question about phenobarbital
Re: Question about phenobarbital
The vet did say 3 minutes, and the vet tech said 3 to 4 minutes...we'll go with the 3 minutes for sure! Thanks for the additional info, and for ALL you do and for ALL the help, info, encouragement, and handholding you give us folks here!!!