Mother cat and 1 week old kitten with fleas, HELP!

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Re: Mother cat and 1 week old kitten with fleas, HELP!

Post by Traci »

I'm not being rude, I'm trying to instill a sense of responsibility to you.
Jinxycat wrote:But he isnt giving me that option.
I understand that they need to get paid, and I understand they cant give me a freebie, but its not what Im asking for. I WILL pay, I just cant right now. When a vet visit means life or death for an animal, they shouldnt think twice about taking it.
You keep saying this. But, please explain to me WHY he should be obligated to do so. WHY should all vets be obligated to do so? Do you understand that if they did, the care would be shoddy, sub-par, and minimal at best? Is that what you would want for your pets? Do you understand that ALL vets have cried and had sleepless nights because people brought in animals they couldn't care for and the vet couldn't treat them? And if they did, and the pet was too sick to treat, does that help matters? Do you understand that the longer people allow their pets to be hurt/maimed/sick, the more difficult and more expensive treatment becomes?

You can do as Tambrey suggested, but this is never a gaurantee. My entire point is, that your kitten could be anemic and without proper treatment in a timely manner, you are putting him at risk. Even if you got all the fleas rid off his body, the damage may have already been done. Fleas isn't the only problem you have, but worms, blood-borne parasitic disease, which causes the anemia. If an anemic crisis goes undetected and untreated, then it becomes fatal.
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Re: Mother cat and 1 week old kitten with fleas, HELP!

Post by JinxyCat »

I understand all that.
And he will see a vet, as soon as I have money.
I was here looking for an answer, something I can do right now that will make the situation better, even if just a little.
I love my Jinxy and her adorable baby Gabriel.
Please help me save them. :(
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Re: Mother cat and 1 week old kitten with fleas, HELP!

Post by slvrwhispr »

It's not that we don't want to help you. It's that there's really nothing at all that we can do or safely recommend. We can't diagnose your cat over the internet, and the only thing that can help your cat is a vet visit. Please don't think that we don't care either; we do, there just isn't anything we can tell you, other than to find a way to get money for a vet.
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Re: Mother cat and 1 week old kitten with fleas, HELP!

Post by Tambrey »

Hi.....even with using the dawn and combing I mentioned in my first posts...they still need to see a vet for a health visit and see what can be done to help control the fleas...
Keep calling...asking....can you do office work to work off the visit...offer cages, tending to basic needs, sweeping and scrubbing floors....if they will take your time and work in exchange for this vet care, that might be an never know unless you ask....

Please do not get frustrated and feel that the situation is hopeless...even though I know myself that it seems that way many times...too often...but maybe the next vet you call will be more compassionate and willing to barter some vet care....

Do you have a skill...something you could offer in trade for vet care for this treatment...
anything....sometimes we need to get creative....something might come to mind....
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Post by ginnah »

The vet I take my animals too will take post dated checks, will bill you, and went around FARM TO FARM WITHOUT CALLS after a tornado hit to check on the animals FOR FREE. He's also personally taken animals in to prevent them from being 'conveniently euthanized'.

There are vets out there who do it because they care and do a good job, not "shoddy work".

When I got my dog spayed, it cost me 120 dollars from them. She has had absolutely no problems with it. The other place I called on it, almost 300 dollars.

Traci, I don't want this to sound mean like I'm being rude or something, but like JinxyCat wrote, "All you've done is made me feel like a piece of *beep*." You did the same with my topics that I was asking for help as well. =/ You really made me feel ignorant and uncaring. Me, uncaring about animals. Yeah... If only you knew me and how much that REALLY does mean. I'm sorry I'm not a Vet Technician yet, there's a lot to learn. But you need to realize people aren't made out of money and animal care is really expensive. One thing I've learned about going into Vet Technology is you NEED to learn how to work with people, as well as animals. So far, you've made at LEAST two people feel like a pile of feces. Who else could there have been?

Again, I'm not saying this to be rude, so I apologize if it seems that way to me, but I'm sick of getting talked down to when I ask for help and this is obviously proof that I'm not the only one feeling that way.

It's like in Tambrey's thread about Ghost. Who cares who's trying to find a home for him? As long as someone is.

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Post by mamabear »

Ok enough with the pissing contest now. as most men call it :wink:

Personally I have been on the end where the Vet is giving freebies and yes they are freebies IF you aren't paying at time of service. His cashier drawer will be short for services rendered that night and having 1 or 10 of them will throw him off. I have seen Vets loose their office because they were being kind and trying to let people slide. I have seen people post date checks and have them bounce, I have seen them use a credit card to only have animal die and then the person tells cc company to stop charges on payment. I have seen People come in and say they will pay when they can and then never do. Vets DO NOT have it easy. They go home with nightmares thinking of the animals that come in and turn away because if they took them in with no one paying how will they pay their workers next paycheck? They wake up in night sweats because they hear the sounds of that little kitten suffering or the puppy whimpering for help. IT stinks but it is not up to the vet to see that everyone gets the money. They also have to provide for their families as well. Yes some offices can afford to have people make payments and some can't but like we should not judge those that can not get the money we should not judge the Vet's office for not saying people can just pay when they want to.

It is not like the human ER's where no matter your Race, Creed, Color or Religion they must see and tend to your wounds. ER"s have huge billing departments and spend thousands of dollars to make people pay what they owe and they also have to eat a lot of that money as well because peole just dont pay. Vet's offices arent as big and should not have to be told they must supply the service for free or free until payment is made.

Yes we can say that if you cant afford them dont have them. And yes it is true IF you are the one buying them. If they land on your doorstep well sometimes its for a reason. Sometimes God puts critters at our doorstep for some reason and we have to figure out what to do with the recourses we have even if the resources are $.50 and good intentions to our name.

It is true we can not diagnose here and yes it is better that you get kitten and mama to the Vet. There is no doubt about that.

I also understand about trying to get blood from a stone. If you have no money then you have no money. If you have depleted your borrowing then you have. No one is trying to make you feel like crap, we are only stating facts and some say it like it is and some sugar coat it. But you are 20 and unless you are disabled you are fine to work. You need to get out of the house and search for a job so that you have money for your animals if you intend on keeping them and money for a car. Even if you have to work at a fast food place until you find a good job might help. Of course going to college helps find a better job.

Do what you have to do to save those kitties. But understand that having any kind of animals means that you get a job and have money to support them. If you are old enough to do so then that is your responsibility and your obligation when you take in any animal, cat,dog or other. You might want to ask your parents if you can borrow their car or ask them to drive you to the Vet that is farther away.

Good luck with this.
Almost 7 years in remission from Graves disease and no meds!
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