Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

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Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by MJ »

I've been wondering this for a long time... Are there any references anywhere to be found on exactly HOW poisonous the things on the "poisonous plants to cats" lists are?

For example, Baby's Breath is listed as poisonous to cats... And yet I have both seen and experienced countless stories of cats eating some of it without dying, or apparently getting sick. Obviously I'm going to be cautious and not allow my cats to eat ANYTHING that's supposed to be poisonous... But it just got me to wondering...

Does anyone know which plants are the MOST poisonous to cats, or any other details?

Mostly a curiosity thing, as I said. No cats of mine are in danger, have recently eaten anything poisonous, need to be taken to the vet, or are anything but indoors only. :P
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by mamaof4soon »

ON the left side of the forum there is a link to poison plant database. Please refer to that when wanting to know what plants are deadly. There are too many plants to go through the different parts that are dangerous and in what amount. The best bet is to avoid the plants and go with ones that arent deadly. Of course always check your vet no matter what anyone says is safe(like a florist or grocery store) and see for sure it is safe. Always refer to the list, even lists that are out there that say they are safe, check those against the database to make sure the other site is accurate. IF for any reason a cat gets into a dangerous plant take the cat asap to vet with the plant in hand so identify it.
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by Tambrey »

mama...I tried that link and it is not a valid link any more....I ama t work right now but I will try to scour the internet when I get home or this weekend and see what I can find if no one else does sooner!!!
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by MJ »

Of course always check your vet no matter what anyone says is safe(like a florist or grocery store) and see for sure it is safe.
Going on a slight tangent from that... It's a shame that most florists don't have the slightest idea what's safe for pets... Even when you ask, they just shrug and sell you something poisonous. :P

I've looked at dozens of lists of deadly plants, and have a pretty good idea of what to avoid... And check again when I'm not sure of something... Like I said, I just wish any of them had details. I saw one that suggested that lillies were particularly deadly, but gave no details.

I'd appreciate it a lot if you find anything that would satisfy some of my curiosity, Tambrey.
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by mamaof4soon »

You can google search under what part of plants are poisonous to cats. I did and found this one so far. But again I say since there are many many different kinds of plants and names and some have more than one botanical name it is imposible to give you a complete list. There is no complete list to find and if you compare several different ones you will see they differ.

here is the link that might give you some satisfaction if you are still curious then I would suggest you google search it or call the animal poison control center to my understanding they charge you for a case. You might call them to see if they have some information for you, I do not know if there would be a charge but that is something you would have to ask them. They might be able to lead you to more information of this.

http://www.paws.org/cas/resources/fact_ ... plants.php
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by mamaof4soon »

Tambrey that is so strange before I typed the link I did go and check it out and was going to copy and paste it but thought it too big so i put where to find it. It pulled up just fine with the click here if not redirected.....Hmmmm I did go back and try again and I can not get on either. Just thought I would let you know. I did get it about 5 minutes before my post on it if that helps at all.
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by Tambrey »

Now if you were asking about landscape plants....I could tell you in a heartbeat because my degree is in horticulture and landscape design and I prefer to use native plants, but if there are kids or pets, I am cautious about what I use...houseplants....can't keep one alive so I never bothered to learn about them...and besides, you cannot do much in the way of designing with them...at least not the kind I like to do!!

I will see what I can find this weekend...
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Post by kehorner »

There's lots of sites on the internet that say things about poisonous plants, and exactly how poisonous they are. Unfortunately, these sites don't all seem to be accurate.

Yesterday my roommate brought home an Easter lily and left it on the kitchen table. According to one internet site, they are "HIGHLY poisonous." Of course, she left the house and I came home an hour later to find that Pat had eaten of the forbidden plant (and, in fact, was still nibbling leaves when I opened the door). So I took the plant away, saw that it was "HIGHLY poisonous," and proceeded to panic. Fortunately, the idiot threw it all up, entirely undigested. I called a friend who is a vet tech anyway, to see if he should go in or just be watched. There wouldn't really be anything that they could do that he hadn't already (as in, empty the stomach). So I cancelled my evening plans and stared at the cat for the rest of the night. The cat played with his mouse, slept, ate, drank, and jumped on his brother.

Anyway... First moral of the story is to make sure that your housemates understand that cats are very interested in eating plants, even if they are poisonous. Second moral of the story is that information on the internet on levels of plant toxicity may not be entirely accurate. Best bet is to call the vet if there is an issue to get an idea of whether it is toxic enough to need to come in, or just needs observation, depending on the situation.
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Re: Poisonous plants... Any DETAILS?

Post by slvrwhispr »

I came home an hour later to find that Pat had eaten of the forbidden plant...

Fortunately, the idiot threw it all up...

Your posts always make me laugh, keohrner.
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Post by Cleo »

Easter lilies are amoung the most deadly plant to cats and you should have called your own vet. The tech's advice was WRONG. Just because the cat vomited what he ingested doesn't mean there wasnt enough absorbed to cause kidney damage. He should be seen immediatetly.
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