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Post by momPaws »

Traci...don't mean to cross-post- but want to ask this for dogs...does Pepto have Salicylates now- and if so, is that harmful to dogs (as well as cats) ?? I have used the tablets in the past for Honey.
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Post by jdf »

It does... here's a link w/ info on use with dogs - pepto is not for cats. ... cleid=1456

Also, a link to the site which lists and discusses the various digestive tract meds used in dogs and cats: ... 0&cat=1459
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Post by Traci »

Pepto has always had subsalicylate, it's the kaopectate (kaolin/pectin) that was referred to in the feline health forum. I haven't checked it yet, but the poster said new versions of kaopectate now contain subsalicylate. If this is the case, then it's no longer safe for cats (pepto never was safe for cats)

For dogs, pepto is generally safe, providing it is given in a low dose and not excessively or long term, and is generally more effective than kaopectate.
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Post by momPaws »

Traci- I forgot about the aspirin thing...but my daughter's vet told them to give our elderly cat small amt of aspirin per day (??)

jdf- good links..thanks

I only medicate Honey rarely...and sparingly...unless told by vet
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Re: tHANKS...

Post by Traci »

momPaws wrote:Traci- I forgot about the aspirin thing...but my daughter's vet told them to give our elderly cat small amt of aspirin per day (??)
For what condition? If a heart condition, maybe, but I would never suggest every day, it's a wonder kitty doesn't have ulcers and hemorrhage. Aspirin needs to be prescribed VERY judiciously and carefully in cats, and only under a vet's strict supervision. If kitty hasn't had frequent bloodwork rechecked while taking this, please advise your daughter to discuss that with her vet immediately. Typically, we only dose aspirin for heart condition cats NO MORE THAN 3 times a week, if that. I think every day is overkill! If by chance kitty is being treated for an arthritic condition, advise your daughter to talk to the vet about cosequin for cats, instead, much safer and probably just as effective (only thing, may take up to 6 weeks to show improvement after initial dosing).

Again, if kitty hasn't had frequent monitoring and blood profiling on a frequent basis while on aspirin therapy, time to find a new vet promptly.
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Post by momPaws »

actually that cat has left us...a while back. She was 15. She died of kidney failure. I think the aspirin was for her heart- but maybe I was wrong on the amt per week- it was being used as a blood thinner..maybe it wasn't every day..will check with dau. Thanks Traci.
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