Sick cat
Sick cat
I went visiting and their cat looked very sick. The symtoms are he is getting up to use the box frequently and he is constantly licking his genitals. his tummy bloats up with gas and when it leaves it bloats up again etc and he crys and moans. I told him to take him to the vet but I think he is broke and so are we. What is wrong with him. Is there something we can give him at home. Please let me know what we can do. Thank you.
Unfortunately, the VET is the only one who can tell the owner what is going on. Delaying this is surely going to cost even more, so advise your friend to get kitty to the vet immediately, a simple exam may be all that is needed, but your post is too vague to even take a guess. Vet check NOW please, kitty is obviously in pain and you will never know if it can be simply treated or if it is more advanced.
One symptom is a red flag, excessive licking at the genitals could signal a blocked urethra, this can be fatal in a matter of minutes to hours, don't take chances, don't wait, kitty is depending on you to get him to the vet NOW!
One symptom is a red flag, excessive licking at the genitals could signal a blocked urethra, this can be fatal in a matter of minutes to hours, don't take chances, don't wait, kitty is depending on you to get him to the vet NOW!