Umbilical Hernia: Surgery Aftermath

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Umbilical Hernia: Surgery Aftermath

Post by zteacher2 »

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced having their puppy operated on for an umbilical hernia and a neutering simultaneously.

I have a Lhasa Apso pup that is about 5 months old. He had surgery about 4-5 days ago to remove an umbilical hernia and was also neutered at the same time. I took him home the same day and it's been a trial dealing with the aftermath. He was given remidyl for pain control, but he has been very uncomfortable nevertheless. He is eating and drinking but still exhibits pain intermittently. He shows signs of improvement, but when he needs to excrete, it is sometimes a little painful.

I spoke with my veterinarian concerning his condition, and he claims that the convalescing period varies from dog to dog. Should I be concerned at this point and have him examined by someone else? Has any pet owner had this done on their pet-how long does it take for the pup to get back to normal?

My pup has always been energetic and playful. I am beginning to feel guilty that I had this procedure done.

Ken Zeoli


Post by lmd »

I`ve had many dogs neutered/spayed - three on Wednesday. They are running around like nothing happened. The girls scratch their bellies. It has been 60 hours since surgery. They are on no meds, and all are fine. I`ve had the hernia done with female spaying in the past with again no problem. Are there stitches or ctaples? Perhaps they are tight? I`d bug the vet some more. My opinion, only, of course, because I am not a professional. Good luck.
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Post by TheSkeptic »

My experience with neutered dogs has been that they all are up within a day, two at the most. Something else is wrong IMHO. I would get a second opinion from another vet. ....

Hope he is better soon. ...
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Julie B.
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Ken, were there intestinal contents..msg

Post by Julie B. »

in the hernia? Or was it just fat or omentum. If there was any intestine, I'd be concerned about a strictured or strangulated bowel. I would definitely get back to the vet, either yours or another. Repairing an umbilical hernia is not a big deal surgery, so your pup shouldn't be so down. I am wondering about if any intestinal incisions were made. Let us know how your pup is doing, okay?
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Post by Traci »

I agree with Julie, that or intestinal inflammation could be concerning.....also check incision site for any signs of infection, i.e., swelling, extreme redness, oozing of blood or pus, warm to the touch, etc...Trust your instinct, get puppy back for a re-evaluation and possible x-ray.
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