One entry found for avatar.
Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: 'a-v&-"tär
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatAra descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over -- more at UKASE, THROUGH
Date: 1784
1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity
Re: avatar????
Avatar comes from the Sanskript word with Avatar meaning come down, pass through and Terr meaning down, land. In ancient India, it refers to the incarnation of god coming to earth while in the Internet, it refers to the graphic (cyber doll) representing oneself in 3D or virtual reality game or chatting on the web.