most of you should see the error come on davet, we know you can do it: hit the img button, paste the url and then hit the button again. i'd say i'm holding my breath, but i dont think that's reasonable
do i assume you hit the img button before and after the would think 9 years of college would have prepared me for the real word.....well they never asked such tough things on state board exams...thank goodness
I meant the "Img" button, not the "URL" button. click IMG before you paste the URL in the post, they click it again after it - it'll look like /Img if you did the first one right. You can do it; I have complete faith in you!
"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." ~ Josh Billings.
I think the most confusing part is, used to posting LINKS instead of images, which of course, require different tags, like the IMG tags here. Plus, bbcode is available here whereas people were mostly used to using html tags.