My mom picked me up from school today..and she said "I've got bad news.." I thought she was going to say Joey ran out the door or something like that, because this morning Brandi was very chipper and active. I was wrong.."Brandi's dead..." She said as the tears filled into her eyes. I couldn't believe the she's gone. It's also like she was telling us all goodbye since she entered all of our rooms and looked at us this morning. Rest In Peace Brandi Sue.
A loss of a pet is never easy...and the sudden loss makes it even harder, when we feel we do not get the "proper chance to say goodbye"...
Let Brandi know in your prayers tonight that you will miss her and she was loved by you...and know that she is now at peace in a wonderful resting place, awaiting for the day long from now when she will see her family once the meantime...she plays with the others who wait patiently...
I miss her very much, but I know that she is now reunited with Sandy (The male dog we had to put down because of cancer). I know mom and dad later on will probably be wanting another dog. They like small dogs so I doubt it'll be a border collie (Unless the new dog is gonna turn out to be mine you better believe I'll be begging for a BC!!) My mom had to go into details on how she found her. She said she came in and said "Come on brandi lets go outside!!!" Brandi didn't move so my mom walked back into her bedroom because brandi usually follows mom around. Brandi still just layed there. She said that Joey was laying next to brandi like he knew. When mom came back out, Joey picked his head up..looked at my mom, then layed his head back down. My mom went to go pick Brandi up, and that's when she knew. She said that Brandi was very stiff, and she was curled up into a little ball. So she must've died peacefully in her sleep. I'm tearing up just writing this. We've had her ever since I was 2 years old. Sandy and Brandi both were very protective of this family. There was a time when kids were throwing rocks at my sister and I, and the dogs snarled and bared their teeth at them!! My mom even told me a story about when I was sick in the bathroom late at night and Sandy woke up hearing me throw up. He went into my parent's room and barked. Mom got up thinking he needed to go out, but instead he walked right back into the bathroom where I was. I'm sorry I don't mean to go on forever, I'm just going to stop now.
Thanks for your sympathy guys, I emailed my mom that poem, she probably needs it more than me because she's seriously broken down. She was more attatched to Brandi than me.
So sorry for your loss, I'm sure Brandi was a very special dog. May she have a safe journey across the bridge. I will be thinking of you and your family. (((hugs)))