Two of my cats have cold-like symptoms...

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Two of my cats have cold-like symptoms...

Post by PepperD »

We have two outside cats that we keep in a large penned-in area. One is a neutered male who had severe head trauma awhile back, when he was hit by a car and doesn't seem to be able to sense danger; cars, dogs, etc... We tried keeping him inside, but would urinate where he shouldn't. The other is his female companion. They never come in contact with other cats, but two days ago one developed cold-like symptoms...runny nose, sneezing and now the other seems to be coming down with it too. Both still have good appetites and are still purring and craving attention. My question is, can cats catch things from dogs? I have several chihuahuas (large in size-10+ lbs) and one has had a cough on & off for a year now... None of the other dogs have ever gotten the cough and it doesn't seem to affect his appetite or energy level, so we have never really been concerned with it. But earlier this week, the chihuahuas got into the part of the yard where the cat's pen is located and ran around for the day. Do you think the cats could have caught something from the dogs? I'm kind of embarrased :oops: that we haven't taken the chihuahua to the vet over his cough, but we have 14 dogs and 6 cats, who we keep up to date on their shots, but don't have a lot of money for extra checkups, unless it is an emergency. Everybody acts like they feel okay, so I don't know if I should be real concerned or not... Any comments would be appreciated.
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Re: Two of my cats have cold-like symptoms...

Post by Traci »

Most feline diseases are is highly unlikely the cats caught a virus from the dog(s).

Upper respiratory infections in cats need to be addressed by your vet and treated appropriately. Since they are outdoors, you need to let your vet determine if this is actually a URI or something else altogether different (could be anything from allergies to pollens, exposure to something in the pen or yard, etc etc). Regardless of their vaccinations, you cannot guarantee their immunity to other virals that may be transmitted by neighborhood cats, ferals and strays, etc. Their exposure level is too great since they are outdoors.

I'm only going by your post, but having cats in a pen outside is no life for a cat. There are various methods you can try to prohibit the male from marking/urinating inside the home. I strongly advise acclimating the cats indoors only for their health and safety and for their future health. I also strongly advise getting them checked by your vet to ensure they are not suffering from a viral that demands treatment. Make sure they are tested for FELV/FIV and heartworm.

Same for the dog who is coughing. He and his siblings need to be tested for heartworm, but the coughing needs to be differentiated from various other health concerns.
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Re: Two of my cats have cold-like symptoms...

Post by PepperD »

Thanks for responding. I hadn't thought of heartworm causing the cough. I will definitely get him checked. As I mentioned, we have a LOT of animals, probably have too many, but most are rescues, that would probably be dead if not for us. So, although they do get their shots and regular de-worming when needed, we really can't afford extras like heartworm preventatives. I wish we could, but with 14 dogs and 6 cats, financially we can't.
I know the pen for the two cats is not ideal, but it is the best we could come up with right now. Figaro, the male, had severe head trauma, where he literally had to learn how to eat all over again. I found him after he had been hit near where I work. Even though we have 14 dogs, we don't let our dogs run loose; they all have nice fenced in areas (we have 2.41 acres of land and I don't believe in chaining up a dog), but our neighbors do let their dogs run wild and they are cat killers. We have several cats that we do let in and out of the house. But Figaro would never use the litterbox inside (he will in the pen for some reason though) and doesn't know to be afraid of anything. We have new hardwood floors and he was ruining them. My husband was going to take Figaro to the pound, until I came up with this solution. The female cat, Angel, took to Figaro, so we let her stay with him in the pen as a companion (I can't stand to see an animal by itself). The pen has everything they is under a tree, for shade in the summer, gets sun in the winter, has two cat houses. It is covered, where predators can't get in. The pen is inside a fenced yard where some of my other dogs run, but no neighborhood cats ever come into. We even have a chair inside, where we sit and hold and pet the cats :cat: (I have a 6-year old daughter who absolutely adores them). It is not an ideal situation, but it is a lot better than some other options. I am off work on Monday, so if their symptoms haven't gotten any better, I will definitely take them to the vet. Again, thanks for responding.
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