okay . . . my nearly one year old cat has some problems, I admit that, and I noticed she chewed on things occasionally, but I thought she was teething. I just noticed on the stair rail . . upper banister area is a wide ledge where she lays . . the corner . . is gnawed OFF! like a dog would do! and . . and . . my desk . . . there is an area of definite gnawing! lol . . . do cats chew up your furniture or is this a sign of cat stress? When are they done teething? as I inspected the house this morning . . man! there are some pretty odd places that are chewed up. Out of the way corners which is kind of nice . . but still . .
Re: chewing?
there are several bitter products on the market that you can rub on surfaces where the cat shews to try to deter it chewing...bitter apple is one but any redhot pepper stuff works also...