Obsessive licking of bum

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Obsessive licking of bum

Post by georgy »

Ok I'm new to this ....however I have noticed my healthy female 9 year old tabby, Lucy-Mitts, obsessively licking her behind over the last 2 days. Unfortunately, having two cats sharing one litter box, I am unable to determine which cat produced the stinky/loose deposit left in the litter box and if this could be the cause of a red, irratated bum or perhaps something more serious. What concerns me though... it is usually my other cat, Spookie, who has an upset stomach at the slightest change of food, not Lucy-Mitts. I feed them both Iams Active maturity dry (free choice) and a 1/4 can of supermarket wet food at night. Any thoughts?? Thank you from Georgy in Brentwood
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Auntie Debbie
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Re: Obsessive licking of bum

Post by Auntie Debbie »

There's a variety of possibilities with what you are describing. Causes could be worms, wrong food choice or something more serious such as irritable bowel syndrome, just to name a few. Your best bet would be to have your kitty seen by your vet and don't forget to take along a stool sample.
I hope there is nothing seriously wrong. Please let us know how things are going, ok?
Kitty kisses,

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Re: Obsessive licking of bum

Post by georgy »

Thank you for responding so quickly. I figured it was either, IBS or worms since I do not detect any foul oder coming from the hind area to signify an gland problem. However, can you explain the type of worms it would be. Not tapeworms, right??
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Re: Obsessive licking of bum

Post by davet »

could be tapes, even though you see no segments, hooks, rounds etc...any number of gross type...rounds can be up to 8 or more inches long and you never see them till they are passed out....ssame with tapes...you often do not see the segs...
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