I have two cats- a 6 year old female and a 1.5 year old male. Both are fixed. They have been friends since I found the male about a year ago. My husband and I went out a couple nights ago (only for a few hours). When we returned, a lamp had been knocked off the table and there were other signs of chaos. The female cat was hiding under the couch and there was a strange smell. It turns out the female had pooped under the couch (which is very out of character). Since then, she and the male can't be in the same room. They make horrible noises and puff up and seem to want to fight. I don't think they really intend to hurt each other, but something must have happened while we were gone. Neither one seems hurt- but there were some small tufts of hair near the knocked over lamp. They used to wrestle and play all the time- but now I'm worried that they will never be friends again. I'm also noticing a weird odor around the house. It seems to be coming from the female- she smells funny- like cat BO. I've also found trails of scents on the furniture. Could one of them be spraying? Any advice? I am very distraught because I've had to separate them and they are both unhappy about having limited roam of the house. Please help!!!
Thank you!