Hi there! I've recently taken on 3 kittens and I've been acting as their mother since nearly day 1. I'm not a novice in this aspect, but I have noticed something unusual. It is hard to describe, so please bear with me.
One of the kittens (the female whom I call Misty) has unusually red pupils. She was later than her brothers to open her eyes (She opened at 10 days, they opened at 5). Her eyes are as clear as a crystal, but I am worried about the red tint in her pupils. No blood, no pus, nothing else unusual whatsoever. I am making a wild guess here - could she have a sight problem, and when would it be detectable? Should I have her looked over carefully by my veterinarian?
Again, her eyes are clear but her pupils have a red color (almost a mahoggany tone). She doesn't seem in distress, she is thriving wonderfully otherwise, but I am a little worried about this. Thank you very much in advance!