My cat is only 1 1/2 years old, and I hadn't seen him all day today (Tuesday) or last night until now. He is strictly an indoor cat and normally VERY active, so this was strange in itself. I assumed that he someone got outside and just hadn't come home yet (which is unusual because he doesn't really like it outside and the few times he has been outdoors, he has wanted back in the house within 5-20 mins).
My son woke up in the middle of the night, and found our cat hiding behind his toy bucket and he was acting really strange.
It is almost like he can't get his balance. Each step he takes takes him almost 5 seconds and he kind of sways back and forth like trying to stabilize himself before putting each paw forward. It takes him about 2 minutes to walk across the room. He doesn't appear to be in pain, but it seems to take all of his concentration just to move. My husband said it almost looked like it was a problem with his ears or balance. He didn't want any of the food or water we offered him.
I'm not sure what could have happened to him. He wasn't outside at all in the last couple of days, and when we last saw him Monday night, he was fine. I can't think of anything laying around inside the house that he could have gotten into either.
We live in a rural area and our local veterinarian is not open yet.
Can someone please help!
Please help...My cat can't seem to get his balance...
Re: Please help...My cat can't seem to get his balance...
My apologies for you post not getting answered sooner......I assume by now your kitty has seen your vet? If not, please don't wait, get him to nearest ER vet immediately...this could be anything from a toxicity (plant, chemical, etc), to outdoor trauma, to seizure to just about anything.