Help with new kitten
Help with new kitten
I posted before about my cat having a kitten by c-section and not wanting to take care of her. She finally did develop milk and is caring for her kitten, but I have a question. When I was hand feeding the kitten I had a lot of trouble getting her to go to the bathroom. She only had two bowel movements for me in two and a half days. Now she is four days old and for the past 2 days her Mommy has been completely taking care of her. I have seen no evidence of bowel movements, although I do know that she is licking her to stimulate. Is this normal? Does the Mommy dispose of it somehow? The kitten does not seem to be having any discomfort......but I am still worried, any advice?
Re: Help with new kitten
the mother licks the kitten to stimulat it to have a BM and then she eats or swallos it (hang in there for a moment) this is to keep the odor down and the predators away...this is standard procedue with all animals and even may never see "poop" at all while the mother is around...if she is not licking them to stimulat them then you can take a warm pledget of cotton (warm wth water and rub the anal area and see it that works...but just because you can't see anything does not mean it is not happening if they appear really blocked you can use a thermometer lubricated with glycerin or vaseling...but check with you vet first...
Re: Help with new kitten
Thank you so much, I was really hoping that was the case. The Mommy is licking and taking really good care of the baby, but the vet had absolutely scared me to death about how important it was that the baby had bm often and I have never had a cat to have kittens before, so I am totally new at this. The kittens belly seems a bit big, but not hard, how would you tell if it's blocked?