Hello everyone! Is catnip harmful if cats eat it? My boyfriend left the cabinet door open this morning after feeding Chauncey & Chessa, and they opened the bag of catnip and ate it. Resourceful little buggers, but I'm worried it could make them sick! They are showing no signs of acting differently, but I wanted to check. Thanks!!!
Jodi &
Chauncey + Chessa + Chairis
Chauncey + Chessa + Chairis
No it is not harmful. I feed it to my colony of ferals out at the farms as it is a good source of fiber for them. My vet told me to start doing this to help push the parasites out of their system. Worming wild cats is not fun! Since I have started this, I haven't had wormy colonies at all- not even on the routine fecal checks every year. He warned me against doing this to house cats though, said it makes for finicky eaters.
The smallest feline is a masterpiece.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
MA, I question your vet's comment on catnip as a dewormer, there is no evidence that catnip is effective on parasitic infection. Sounds like he's classifying that along with garlic, wormwood and other 'natural' things that absolutely and positively do NOT have any effects on parasites, internal or ectoparasites alike.MA wrote:My vet told me to start doing this to help push the parasites out of their system. Worming wild cats is not fun!