constipation after spay
after 5 days she should look like she did before the
spay except for the incision, stitches and hair shaved...but 5 days they should allmost be normal...if the question was constipation,that should be allmost eliminated..if not call your vet....
You should be asking your vet this, he probably requested you bring her back in for suture removal anyway. Call him and make sure you have that set up.
If your kitty is constipated and hasn't produced a stool since the spay, you need to get her into an ER vet immediately, or call your primary vet and state the urgency. Serious constipation can be a life-threatening situation if you don't get it handled, call the vets right NOW please.
If your kitty is constipated and hasn't produced a stool since the spay, you need to get her into an ER vet immediately, or call your primary vet and state the urgency. Serious constipation can be a life-threatening situation if you don't get it handled, call the vets right NOW please.