It's like moving to a much larger house with premium appliances and a breathtaking view! The photos come out so much better......I can't wait to see Skeptic's photos.
If anyone wants me, I'll be in Kevin's Room. Does that make me a bad person? I don't want to get a reputation for being a bad girl....
You're very welcome. But, please also extend your thanks to Jason, he's done alot of hard work. ........Btw, we are recommending registration: while it is an option, with registration you have additional features. And don't worry, your information after registration can be kept private providing you set up your profile accordingly.
Thanks to Jason too for this terrific new messageboard.
I read the Canine Centric messageboard as often as I can. I may register (so I can access extra features) even though I don't post very much.Thanks again for this terrific new messageboard!