davet/traci......anal gland question in 7 yr old Pom.....
davet/traci......anal gland question in 7 yr old Pom.....
If you'll recall, in December and early January I went through the luxating patella surgery and then a ruptured anal gland abcess with my little Pom, Huey. Everything is healing up nicely and the fur is coming back fine too. My question now is....for the last two days Huey has been scooting his little bottom. So I looked at the anal gland area and there doesn't seem to be any swelling or firmness. Can they feel the urge to scoot sometimes even when there isn't a problem or is the problem in such early stages that I can't detect it? I at first thought he was itchy where they had shaved to treat the abcess. At this point I don't know if I should take him in to the vet or just wait till something is more obvious. Any ideas? Thanks!
Re: davet/traci......anal gland question in 7 yr old Pom....
scooting is not always anal glands,,,lots of time it my be from certain food,, spices, cleas. other creepy crawlers... i might suggest wait a few day because, even if infected that can be cured.....some times a little hemhrroid ointment may gve r4leif....but if swelling or blood showes then get it checked.....Removal ofvf gland, i used the criteria. of treat three time and if a 4th occurs then rmove thm.....