I took her in for her annual checkup, and she just wanted to stick her nose between my body and my arm. "You can't see me, so you can't do anything to me."
Buffy does that, but this was a first for Bisc. Kinda funny...
All seems to be pretty good for a 13 yr old gal...whew!
Funny girl, Biscotti
Re: Funny girl, Biscotti
Awww, that was so cute..she thought she was hidden. Glad she is Aok!
Re: Funny girl, Biscotti
I used to have some dogs that, when I was taking blood from the forearm they would lick my face..Kinda like sdqaying"see how nice I am treating you so you don;t have to hurt me"" course some would also want to take my head off but those I knew in aevance==cbh-dvm