Tumor? Benign growth?

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Tumor? Benign growth?

Post by Sooz »

We used to think this area was an unpigmented part of our 3-yr old rescue's lip. It grew over the weekend, was excised by the vet, and lump sent to the lab. Vet won't comment til the lab results are in, but I am a nervous wreck!

Does this look like anything your dog has had? Was it benign? Was it cancerous?

Thanks. Pls click on link to see photo--(hope it works)

<img src=" http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sra ... d85bc8.jpg">
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Re: Tumor? Benign growth?

Post by davet »

just a guess and strictly that but to me it looks like a non malignant growth but i suspect even if it is malignant it looks like the entire thing could have been removed...they have a lot of spare lip space and the worst that could happen is you pup may talk with a lisp....when you get the Pathology back would yoy please post it..
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Re: Tumor? Benign growth?

Post by Traci »

Just by looking at your pic, it looks similar to one of three different things: 1) an epithelioma 2) a basal cell tumor 3) a sebaceous cyst. All of which are generally benign and are curative with excision. All three can occur anywhere throughout the body, usually above the epidermis, hair follicles or even a poorly developed follicle.

Try not to jump the gun until you get the pathologist's report. I know it's scary but given the age of this dog, his chances of having a benign growth are better than a metastic one.

Btw, excellent pics, these should go into the veterinary manuals!! (you'd be surprised how difficult it can be to discern images in oncology text :roll:

Re: Tumor? Benign growth?

Post by Sooz »

Thank you both so much for your words of encouragment... and his speaking with a lisp will just add to his charm! I'll post the path report when I get it.

I won't fret quite as much and will hope for the best.

Thank you for the compliments on the photographs--in case anyone is interested, I used a little Nikon Coolpix 775 digital camera--fairly cheap, no frills/bells/whistles, great pix ! I had been looking for one for a couple of years, and finally found it at: www.mpsuperstore.com (thru Marine Park Camera)

Again, thank you!!!
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