Is there protein in chicken broth (homemade)?

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Re: Is there protein in chicken broth (homemade)?

Post by Traci »

Given her episodes lately, the urinary tract infections, etc, her sporadic appetite, etc, it wouldn't hurt to explore other you know, any primary condition can be accompanied by any secondary conditions, so ruling out primary conditions would be wise. (treating the kidney disfunction may only be treating a secondary problem).

Can your vet consult with UGA about diagnostics to persue as opposed to exploratory surgery considerations, at least at this point? I can understand why your vet would suggest an explore, but I think I'd utilize all other diagnostics first (although not knowing for certain what those are at this point).
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Re: Is there protein in chicken broth (homemade)?

Post by momPaws »

Holding a good thought for you both now, Marty....from Honey & me
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Re: Is there protein in chicken broth (homemade)?

Post by Marty »

Winnie's blood test today came out fairly well. The BUN is down to 49, and the Vet said if it stays like that, she could still have another couple years. I won't hold my breath, as we still have the mass to deal with. He feels comfortable enough to do a dental on Thurs, which is needed and may help with other things. Then we can go from there... She is eating eagerly now, and acting so much more alert... :D
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