Meka has dog bite

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Meka has dog bite

Post by JUDY S »

One of my loving dogs bit Meka while playing, or possibly angry, I wasn't there. This happened on July 12th. I have been to the vet twice. The first time she gave me two types of anitbiotics and panalog to put inside the wound. It is a small punture wound on her tummy, but was quite deep and VERY infected. The surrounding redness and most of the swelling is gone. It still drains thick yellow stuff.

The second time I went back was a week ago Saturday, and she opened the hole further as it had almost grown closed so that it could drain better and gave me one set of pills again. I gave Meka the last pill today. My vet told me to flush the wound with peroxide, which I didn't want to do but decided on Saturday that I would follow her advice and have started doing once a day. the panalog I still put inside the hole twice a day. I may have made a mistake by taking her to the river on Sunday. She usually doesn't swim, but this time she did so I don't know if she will have picked up anything. It's still draining but the wound is now a red color instead of the pinkish, yellow color that it has been up until now. Is this a sign of healing or worsening of infection? There is no redness surrounding the wound on the skin or anything, just on the inside. Any advice on how to kick this? I am starting to worry that it's taking too long. Thanks.
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Re: Meka has dog bite

Post by Traci »

No wound of this type should take longer than a month to heal. Either the antibiotics were not the correct ones for the bacteria, or proper cleansing and debriding was not done correctly. A drain tube should have been placed after two weeks when it was obvious the wound was still draining pus. Since the wound is in such an obvious area, the risk is even greater, because it's constantly exposed to debris, dirt, non-closing of the wound. Was proper would care ever suggested by the vet? (i.e. need to clean or rinse the area twice a day, use an e-collar to prevent licking, scratching, biting etc). The panalog probably wasn't too effective inside such a deep wound, and was probably wasted since it probably came right back out as the wound continued to drain.

A properly healing wound would have drained pus and blood for no longer than two weeks or so. If it's still draining NOW, a month later, then your vet's approach isn't covering it. The wound needs to be irrigated with a proper disinfectant, the skin checked for signs of granulation ability, checked for any necrotic tissues, and a proper antibiotic prescribed (amoxicillin only, should be sufficient). Injectable antibiotics might also be an acceptable approach, but it might be too late for that now. (i.e., penicillin-type). An e-collar should be placed to prevent the dog from licking, chewing, further agrivating the wound site. Gentle cleansing of the wound with a surgical scrub twice a day should suffice, and kept clean and free from dirt and debris, etc. Nolvasan is a good cleanser for this purpose, your vet should have given you some to bring home.

Peroxide isn't a good choice to allow this wound to heal, and as a matter of fact, could be delaying wound healing, since it aggrivates the tissues. If the wound were very minor and not deep, a solution of peroxide and water might not hurt, but if the wound is still deep, this isn't a good approach.

Ideally, clear or blood-tinged fluid from the wound site can be a sign of healing, but that doesn't make it always so, there could still be lingering infection that isn't being targeted. What were all the types of antibiotics given??

Please, keep her as confined as possible and away from things like dirt, grasses, water, pools, mud etc and use an e-collar if necessary. Running, jumping, too much activity is stretching the skin each time, keeping the wound always open and prime for introduction of more bacteria and insult.

If after a few more days the wound has not stopped draining, I'd suggest a new vet with a new assessment.
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Re: Meka has dog bite

Post by davet »

how bout that I agree totally with Traci...a drain is an essential in this case cause apparantly it is trying to heal from the outside in,not inside out....
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