Hi! I have a 5 year old westie that I rescued from a girl at work when she was only 2 months old. She has a fairly severe birth defect- she only no paw on her right front leg and only three toes on her left paw. Also, both if her elbows are fused so she walks/hops like a little bunny! She has no idea she's handicapped so we don't tell her! She can walk just fine and goes up and down steps...with supervision when going down if there are more that two steps. My question is this- I've tried to find some kind of harness for her front legs because she would love to go on walks with me. If I walk close to grass, she gets to go, but I'd like to be able to take her more often. The only devices I've found are for the back legs of paralyzed dogs and I need something for the front legs. I've even thought of making one myself. Does anyone know anywhere else I can look for some kind of orthopedic device? thanks in advance;
I'll try to post a few pics of her so everyone can see how adorable and "special " she is!!
My "special" little girl
Re: My "special" little girl
i susosect you will have to make one yourself but your famillarity with the pup would give you more insite than any commercial product...i used to take dogs with radial paralysis to an orthopedic shoe make and he came up with great ideas.
Re: My "special" little girl
My other thought would be a total support cart that has front wheels as well as back wheels. Instead of being a wheelchair where the back legs are picked up, the dog can use all of the legs but is stabilized with the frame.
JMM -- JaMi Maltese -- Dust Mops with Drive
Re: My "special" little girl
i think a picture or two would make thiungs easier
Re: My "special" little girl
You can check here, scroll to bottom of page for orthopedic companies and supplies. Some of them will customize to meet specific needs. (it would be ideal for your vet to be involved in the design, since he knows your baby best)
Also, if she is prone to caluses, you can look for leather booties for dogs that you can simply put on for her walks and take off when you're back inside.
Also, if she is prone to caluses, you can look for leather booties for dogs that you can simply put on for her walks and take off when you're back inside.
Re: My "special" little girl
Just want to say you are an angel for taking her.....
Re: My "special" little girl
Thanks for the advice. I will try to post some pics of my sweet Sophie. She's too cute. When I first got her, she was about 2 months old and weighed 1.5 lbs. I took her to the vet who said the only thing I could do was to make her last days enjoyable. He was only able to give her 1/2 of the vaccine dose and told me he didn't expect her to be alive for her one month check up. Well.... a month later she weughed over 4 lbs. and for the first time was able to walk using her hind legs. She initially had something called "swimmers hips" where her hips would come out of the sockets so I held her under her front legs and bounced her on my thigh as physical therapy! Sounds funny but it worked wonders. She's 5 now and weighs about 15 lbs. She's such a good girl and has more spunk than any other dog I've seen. She always full of smiles! I did find a front end wheelchair that I am going to look into buying for her. Thanks for the link Traci. I'll try to post some pictures as soon as I find my camera card!