Your thoughts on pet discipline

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you'r probably right on that,

Post by ragsjpause »

when I got Rags, they had completely bypassed her and went to the next dogs, then when I said I liked her, they had said " Are you sure? -This dog has been adopted twice and returned already both times" ...
She had several little emotional problems. It took weeks to train her to jump on the bed and stay there with me. She also would cower down when I asked her to come into the kitchen. I went through a lot with the chewing, and whining bit, but it was all soooo worth it. She is now so well behaved, she has taught my sister's dog to behave and walk without a leash and respond to verbal directions. This, too, was several years ago... Now I'm just happy to get her to go out and play.
Oh, well.. enough of my ramblings... I'm sure you've heard it all before.

I'll go out on a limb here..msg

Post by LM »

I see almost no reasons to ever hit an animal. Almost. I will return violence with violence. If a dog aggressively bites me, he'll probably get slammed down at the very least if I can manage it. If it's not fear based, I'm gonna do what I can to convince him he's gonna die for that mistake. That does NOT mean hurting him. The one time I had to do this I used an empty paper bag on a 75 lb dog to good long term behavioral effect, but his hair was barely ruffled. (The cause of the bite, to my face, a was dominance dispute.) A dog who's truly aggressive to to me is gonna learn real quick it's not a good idea. That's the only time I would be violent to an animal.

But for day to day dicipline, all I usually need with either of my current dogs is "the glare" and an occasional tone of voice correction (not yelling though). Penny can tossed into the yard worked for Leilah's barking before I got Copper, but that would be too traumatic for him so it's been retired. She barks less now anyway, since she lets him do it all. Citronella collar works for most of Copper's barking. I've never hit these two, ever ever. And with the previously mentioned 75 lb dog, after we got our pack order straightened out, that's about all he needed too. I did once banish Leilah to the yard alone for 10 mins when she was a teenage brat, I didn't have to do that twice, that's as severe as it ever got for her.
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