Female Kitten question
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:26 am
Female Kitten question
I got 2 kittens at the end of December. They were born near the end of October. Which makes them close to 4 months old. I've never had inside cats before so its been a new experience. My question is, I always heard you couldn't get a kitten speyed/neutered until 6 months of age. My female kitten has been acting like she is in heat today. She keeps "displaying" herself to the other kitten, her brother. I have every intention of getting both of them fixed. Should I wait until she is 6 months old to get her speyed even though she is in heat now? Is this something that occurs normally?
Re: Female Kitten question
My kittens were spayed and neutered at 4 months. I was told by the vet that as long as they are in good health and over 2 pounds, it's okay to get them spayed. I believe it's a bit more detailed of a spaying when a cat is in heat but it's best to get it done before any accidents happen.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Re: Female Kitten question
I agree with Cleo and here is an additional suggestion: Have the male kitten neutered right away - 4 months is fine for this relatively simple procedure. It may be the case that young cats of different gender living in close quarters is causing the female's behavior. Thus, neutering the male immediately will not only put the female out of harm's way (so to speak) but will also give you and the vet time to consider how best to deal with the more complex situation of spaying an early maturing female...
Having two cats indoors is indeed an interesting and gratifying experience. I predict everything will go well for all of you once this little problem is fixed... Oops - pardon the inadvertent pun
! Anyway, keep us posted, OK?
Having two cats indoors is indeed an interesting and gratifying experience. I predict everything will go well for all of you once this little problem is fixed... Oops - pardon the inadvertent pun

Re: Female Kitten question
DIfferent vets have different preferences so talk to yours. My vet neutered my male kittens as soon as they reached 5 lbs. They were about 13 weeks old then. No problems and they were even running around the house like maniacs the night I brought them home.
I do agree with E about at least getting the male neutered as soon as possible. As usual, males are lucky, it's a less invasive surgery and it costs less for you also. Since it takes 2 to tango, getting one done soon eliminates an unplanned pregnancy.
P.S. Does anyone have a way to make a cat transparent? Please excuse any spelling errors because both cats are perched in front of the monitor and I am typing blind.
I do agree with E about at least getting the male neutered as soon as possible. As usual, males are lucky, it's a less invasive surgery and it costs less for you also. Since it takes 2 to tango, getting one done soon eliminates an unplanned pregnancy.
P.S. Does anyone have a way to make a cat transparent? Please excuse any spelling errors because both cats are perched in front of the monitor and I am typing blind.