Elderly kitty developing a taste for soap..?!

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Elderly kitty developing a taste for soap..?!

Post by ert_NW »

Our calico is 14+ years and experiencing all that comes with old age: loss of agility, poor grooming, weight loss, etc. She often follows me to the bathroom to drink at the sink...only, this last time, after a few laps from the faucet, she stopped at the soap dish and started licking the soap I'd just finished using. I've searched all over and haven't found more info on this odd behavior. Ideas or insights, anybody? Her appetite is still good (she'll take whatever handouts she can get and raid the other two cats' dishes, too) but I am wondering if maybe something is missing in her diet...

ERT in Oregon
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Re: Elderly kitty developing a taste for soap..?!

Post by kk »

Oh Oh Oh, it is not normal for a cat to lose agility, have poor grooming and lose weight at 14. Yes, it is old and 'geriatric' for a cat to be 14, but cats can live to be 20! Sure, with age, there is increased chance of certain diseases which you need to get diagnosed and managed right away. One suspicion is diabetes with the weight loss and increased thirst, plus the increased appetite, and possibly hyperthyroid. Your cat needs to be seen by a vet right away and have a full blood geriatric panel to rule out diabetes, thyroid condition and kidney failure, liver disease and get a CBC. Have you noticed increase urination too? Please call your vet today and have her seen, and also bring up the soap issue. It's a form of pica where they eat non-food items. I've seen it in anemia when my cat had kidney disease. There is definitely something wrong with your kitty, and I know that she will feel better once the doc figures out exactly what it is. Good luck, and please come back to update. kk

Re: Elderly kitty developing a taste for soap..?!

Post by ert_MW »

Thanks, kk. She did have a complete veterinary exam about 3 months ago, at which time her doc ruled out several of the above. But I'll bring up the pica/anemia possibility and see what he says/recommends. Thanks for the advice (and Copernica thanks you, too). - ERT
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