Kitty's drinking

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Kitty's drinking

Post by kris0618 »

My kitty (Penny) is 10 years old and has always been a normal drinker.
I have noticed that in the last few days she has been drinking a lot more water then normal. She has dry food available all day, and is given soft food no less then once every 2 days. Is this enough soft food in her diet?
At times I will give her soft food every morning for a week. It is just now that she is starting to drink a lot more then normal. I have also noticed that she "asks" for her treats a lot more then normal lately. I am wondering how to tell the difference between diabetes and just a thirsty kitty. Are there any other symptoms I should be looking for? Thank you!
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Re: Kitty's drinking

Post by kk »


With those symptoms and Penny's age, I would get her to a vet right away. Also look out for increased urination and weight loss. Penny needs a full geriatric blood panel which will rule out diabetes, thyroid probs, liver and kidney disease and get a CBC and urinalysis. Also,if you notice a strange smell kind of like fingernail polish (acetone) on Penny's breath, it could be diabetes. No matter what, a vet check is in order right now. Good luck, kk
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Re: Kitty's drinking

Post by davet »

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