Cats Strange Behavior
Cats Strange Behavior
I have two cats. One we adopted in May from the local animal shelter and then in October we got a kitten from a friend. The cat we got in May Hermione seems to be jealous all the time.. even though we try our best to give her lots of love. In November we moved to a new two bedroom apartment. My fiancee and I usually sleep in his bedroom and three or four times over the past two months one of the cats has peed on my bed. I don't think that it is the new kiten because I have caught the older cat peeing on our suitcase before. What do I do about this? Do I need to take her to see the doctor? Any help would be very appreciated!
Re: Cats Strange Behavior
Hi and welcome!
Actually, this is very common behavior in a cat that has a urinary tract issue, such as a urinary tract infection or crystals. Either one of these issues can be treated by your vet, but can be very dangerous if left untreated (even deadly). So,yes, please call today and get your baby in to see a vet right away. Let them rule out a physical ailment, and please come back to let us know how it comes out. Good luck, kk
Actually, this is very common behavior in a cat that has a urinary tract issue, such as a urinary tract infection or crystals. Either one of these issues can be treated by your vet, but can be very dangerous if left untreated (even deadly). So,yes, please call today and get your baby in to see a vet right away. Let them rule out a physical ailment, and please come back to let us know how it comes out. Good luck, kk