strange cat behavior
strange cat behavior
A friend of mine has a cat that I like to visit every day. Just in the last past week or so I have noticed that his cat instead of walking regularly has been scooting herself across the floor and meows alot more then usual. Is there anyone out there that could help me identify what is wrong. The owner dont have to money to go see the vet very time something small is wrong with the cat so if it isnt anything major he dont wish to have to go see the vet needlessly. Do any of you think that it is something major?
Re: strange cat behavior
Scooting could mean anything from parasites to impacted/infected anal glands to constipation.....only the vet can diagnose the problem and treat accordingly. None of these are a "small problem", they can escalate into worsening situations left untreated, therefore costlier to your friend in the long run. Please advise her to get her kitty seen by her vet promptly.