Hi. My name is Andie, and I'm new to these boards. I am REALLY hoping for some help....
I have a six-year-old American Shorthair female named Abby. I love her with all my heart, but she can be a psycho. Truly. Absolutely territorial. To the point where she was hissing and spitting at guests - especially children - completely unprovoked. She even bit my Dad, without giving any warning first. So after trying all sorts of behavior modifications that didn't work at all, the vet put her on the cat version of Prozac. That made her even more agressive, so they switched her to Elivil. She's been on it for the past six months, and is definately better, but my husband and I are really concerned about when we eventually have a babyof our own. Today Rich came up with a theory - that maybe if we got another kitten she would have to get used to sharing her territory and then it wouldn't be such a trauma if a baby/toddler/child was here too. Any opinions on this???????? Or do you have any other suggestions? I love this animal and would not EVER want to consider giving her up....
All help will be greatly appreciated!
Attack-cat. Question - please help!!!
Re: Attack-cat. Question - please help!!!
How long has this been going on? What behavioral methods exactly have you tried? What is the environment like, is it stressful, busy, are you stressed as well? Have all health conditons been ruled out?