litterbox troubles....
litterbox troubles....
I have a 12yr old spayed female cat that has never had problems. She has recently begun to poo outside box-just outside, no place else. I have gotten a new box, cleaned litter daily, ....any suggestions? There are 2 other 3 yr old spayed female cats in the house, no troubles with them. Thanks! snetting
Re: litterbox troubles....
Because she is 12 years of age, I strongly advise you get her seen by your vet for a full exam and blood profiling. She could have an underlying health condition developing. Any kitty over the age of 7 should recieve full blood profiling to monitor major organ function. Senior kitties could develop at any time a serious health condition such as diabetes, liver or kidney disease, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, IBD and other conditions. The sooner you rule these out, the better.