Some Help?

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Some Help?

Post by Infamy00 »

So i just got a 6 week old male kitten and his name is Tiko, i also already had a 3 month old male whose name is Butters. The first day i brought Tiko home Butters seemed really uncomfortable with Tikos presence, anytime Tiko got near him he growled at him and for the whole day Butters kept his distance and just watched Tiko. The second day of having Tiko and Butters showed the same behavior, but as the day got later Butters began becoming a little more curious of Tiko, and now he takes to pouncing and rough playing with Tiko every chance he gets. He doesnt seem to be hurting Tiko, only scaring him. Butters isnt hissing at Tiko when he comes near him, he does still growl a little, but its the pouncing on tiny Tiko that is kind of worrying me. Its not truly aggresive rough play, but Tiko is very very small compared to Butters, and i just would like to know if this is a phase? Is it normal for older cats to show this kind of behavior with a new cat? Will he eventually stop jumping on Tiko all the time?

I would really appreciate anyones imput and advice!
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Re: Some Help?

Post by Traci »

May I ask where you got Tiko? I ask because if a shelter, they should know better - kittens should not be adopted out until they are at least 8 weeks of age and preferrably, at 12 weeks of age. This is to allow them to grow and develop and be able to properly defend themselves before introductions to other cats.

While it's normal for kittens to want to play and wrestle, Butters is probably too rough for Tiko, due to Tiko's tiny size. He's still developing and needs to develop strong bones and muscles, so you have to monitor them closely and teach Butters not to be rough with Tiko. I can't stress this enough, if Butters is too rough, he could seriously hurt Tiko. Don't harshly reprimand Butters, just say a vocal "NO, Butters" each time he seems to play too rough with Tiko and then divert his attention to something else if he's too energetic. He is still a kitten too and is curious, playful, full of energy and needs to expend that energy.

If you work and are gone most of the day, please keep the kittens seperated until Tiko is developed and old enough to defend himself in play and wrestling, which ideally is yet another month or month and a half - play it by ear and watch Tiko closely to gauge his ability to defend himself. When you are home, supervise them closely and train Butters to be gentler, or divert his attention to toys etc if he's getting too rough with Tiko. While you do want them to socialize and bond and play together, you must be careful since Tiko is still so tiny.

Nip Butter's jumping behavior in the bud now, and the two will bond easier and closer to another as they both grow. You certainly don't want Tiko being fearful of Butters and his size at his young age because this could lead to distrust and fear in their relationship. As Tiko grows and develops, the two will be on the same level playing field so to speak.
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