Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

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Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

Post by Nix »

I have a 3 year old male tabby that underwent a rear leg amputation last fall.
Yesterday I noticed him trying to urinate multiple times but wasn't aware that is is symptomatic to a urinary tract infection or blockage. Today after waking up for work, I saw him squat down over a roomates grey hooded sweatshirt. He is NOT normally known for urinating on clothing, rugs, etcetera. When I tried to shoo him off the clothing, I noticed the dribble of urine was noticeably bloody. I called the emergency vet service in town to see if he should be brought in immediately, or if I should wait the 2 hours until my regular vet opened. I was told that is was not life-threatening, and to wait for my normal vet. Then when I looked on this site it says he could die any moment?!?!
What should I do?
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Re: Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

Post by mamabear »

NIX your best answer is from your vet. CALL THEM NOW AND have them see him now. Blood in urine isnt good either way. It might be a UTI but there is no way of knowing unless you bring him in. DONT DELAY the faster he gets treatment the faster his relief will be and the less peeing on someones clothes he'll do. I am sure it was just an urge and he had to squat where he was and the hoody was just in the way of him having to go pee pee.

If this is a UTI your vet should speak with you about maintnance feeding. UTI's can come back and there are diets out there that can help keep them away.

Good looking out and keeping your head about you when you saw the blood. Regardless of what it might be the sooner the treatment the better and if you hadn't noticed it he might go untreated.

Let us know what vet says. and tell them that the ER said not to come in. If this is a place that they refer out to they will want to know what they are telling clients.

THE ER place might have thought not to waste your money though since the vet would have been open in a couple of hours. and for the time it would take you to get there and fill everything out then have to transport kitty to your vet might not have been worth it. I dont know if that was the case but something to think about. The important thing is to get him now to be seen.
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Post by Nix »

The problem is that I don't have a 24 line to my normal vet, they don't open for another 2 hours. I suppose if the ER says it's OK to wait, I'll do that. I just am kind of freaked out by the entry on the Emergencies page that says a urinary blockage can kill a male cat in minutes to hours.
This site says it's a VERY serious problem, and the local ER vet says it's common and no big deal...
I'm just tempted to say the heck with the additional emergency hours charge and take him to the ER, but it sounds like their on-call vet won't be in until 8;30 anyway, which is 1-1/2 hrs. from now as well.
It's all kind of frustrating.
And edit to say; I couldn't care less where the poor little guy goes to pee. He's sick, and maybe going on something white so I could see the blood was the only way for him to tell me "Hey Dad! Somethin's not right with my waterworks!"
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Re: Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

Post by Marty »

A blockage would be life threatening, but you saw your cat pee so I think it would be OK to wait until your Vet comes in.
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Re: Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

Post by Traci »

I'm appalled at what the emergency vet told you, as a matter of fact, I'd find out WHO told you that, was it a receptionist, or kennel assistant answering the phone or what? If so, promptly express your disgust and disdain to the attending vet or owner who can inform whoever answers the phone this is inappropriate.

If it was a technician or vet who told you that, then they know better! They know that any cat who only dribbles urine and if that urine is bloody, then there is a high likelihood of a serious urinary tract infection or blockage and emergency medical treatment is PARAMOUNT within minutes.

Remember, even though there might have been a drop or so of urine, symptoms of a blockage will do the same thing. It doesn't matter if it's urine or blood, only an immediate exam, attempt at expressing the bladder and/or a catheterization will determine that.

At no time should you EVER assume that minimal or no drops of urine is NOT a blockage! ALWAYS seek immediate emergency veterinary treatment IMMEDIATELY, better to be safe than sorry!
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Post by Nix »

I'm not sure who it was I talked to, so I can't really raise any heck with them...unless I find out. But the good thing is I got him into the ER clinic around 9AM.
I waited until 9 to get into see my vet, only to find out she is on vacation and the clinic I normally go to is only open for 4 hours a day! The tech who opened the clinic said she'd rather not take him as the on-call vet would only be there for 2 hours and not be there until 10AM. If he required a catheter there would be nobody there to monitor him after 1PM. So I just went to the ER I called as they opened for regular business at 9AM also. Aside from the bad advise this morning, the same ER clinic performed the amputation about 6 months ago, so I do trust the vets that work there. I have to call them in about 15 minutes to find out the results of the urinalysis. Wish Mr. Fish good luck please!
Thanks also for all the advise.
Edit: Also the vet who saw him mentioned that his bladder was empty upon examining him...he seemed to think that was a pretty good sign.
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Re: Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

Post by Nix »

Ok...the news from the Vet was...I dunno exactly.
He said my kitty had, "a lot of blood in his urinary tract". He said it was not "blocked" per say, but an ultrasound did show a clot that needed to be passed. He also mentioned that Mr. Fish's urine was "highly-concentrated". He has to stay overnight and have fluids administered in oreder to stimulate the tract and pass the clot.
I'm kind of worried, as the vet didn't tell me if things were looking good or anything. But he did say that we need to go over a new diet for the kitty tomorrow, so I suppose that's positive. I also suppose that Mr. Fish is once again going to have some shaved patches both from the ultrasound and possibly an IV for the fluid transfer.
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Re: Conflicting advise...blood in urine.

Post by mamabear »

Good to hear that they are doing something about this. Remember that diet is key to keeping away the nasty UTI's. There are foods out there and prescription foods out there that can help keep them away. Good luck let us know the outcome when you hear more.
Almost 7 years in remission from Graves disease and no meds!
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