Thanks davet and Traci
Thanks davet and Traci
Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to reply. I REALLY appreciate your insights and suggestions. davet, how did these cats "suck" water in? Also was wondering if in your experiences you'd heard of anything I can give him to lessen his chances of the cancer coming back? Something to boost his immune system or something. Any recommendations?
re cats sucking..they just seemed to learn on them selves,
or at least the one the owners told me about..if it is a matter of starving or dehydrating cats will find a way, even by using their paw to bring things up to their can always use the syringe or turkey baster or what ever when ever you see they are not doing right but the ability to survie in cats is topmost on their far as preventing re-occurance of the cancer you would have to see an animal oncologist but the few that i saw never had a recurrance..actually most were traumatic glossectomys.....but just watch your cat and see how well it does...takes a little time bnut figure there are at least 5 lives left and cats don't want to waste them
What was the type of cancer diagnosed? I'm assuming your vet biopsied and sent it for pathology? Did he also perform primary bloodwork and x-rays to monitor metasticization? If you don't know the type, ask your vet, and then ask for a referral to a feline oncologist for support and treatment options.