12-year-old cat who pees everywhere
12-year-old cat who pees everywhere
I've got a 12 year old cat who pees everywhere (normally against something...like a corner or near a wall). He refuses to use the litter box, even if it's been cleaned out for him. We usually catch him trying to go and many times when we do catch him, we'll run and grab him and bring him to the litter. But why is he doing this? Why is it so difficult for him to just go in the litter? Can someone please explain to me why? I'd like to find out why he's doing this and save our carpets! 

Re: 12-year-old cat who pees everywhere
Get him to your vet for a full exam and to rule out potential urinary tract infection or other major organ disfunction. Since he is 12 years of age, I strongly suggest getting a full blood profile done for him to monitor his kidney, liver and heart function...also include urinalysis and thyroid function testing. If all bloodwork is normal, then ask your vet about possible arthritis conditions that could be prohibiting him from making it to the litterbox, or other conditions that may need addressed.
Re: 12-year-old cat who pees everywhere
Sounds like to me he might be marking his territory but I could be wrong. Try taking a simple rag and rub his body with the rag then rub the area that he usually goes with the rag that way his scent will be there. Like I said I could be wrong though. He could just be peeing and not scenting.
Joe Kitty wants his Friskies 

Well, interesting experiment we've tried. I saw this news ad on TV where if you have a "lazy cat", try putting litters on each level of the house. So far it has worked!
There haven't been any "surprises" on the carpet!
He may be 12, but he sure doesn't act like that. He's got the attitude and spunk of a 2 year old kitty. Gotta love him...even if he pees all over. *shakes head*

He may be 12, but he sure doesn't act like that. He's got the attitude and spunk of a 2 year old kitty. Gotta love him...even if he pees all over. *shakes head*