I have recently noticed an odorous discharge from my 3 year old female spayed cat. I have only noticed it on a couple of occasions so far, however, considering how fastidious cats are about cleanliness it may be the case that my cat has cleaned herself before I have had the chance to notice the discharge.
I have searched various feline health sites but the only thing they seem to suggest is pyometra, which is a problem common to cats that haven't been spayed.
Anybody got any suggestions as to what the problem could be?
Odorous discharge
if your cat was not spayed (missed the info) then it
could be a pyometra which you should not wait with, other than that the chances are it could be anal glands...squeeze her/his butt and see if the odor is there...
Assuming you mean that you've seen this from the vulva, if that's the case, get her checked immediately, you need to rule out various types of bacterial infection.
If you didn't see where the discharge was coming from, Davet could be right in thinking anal glands, they could be blocked, in which your vet can express them.
If you didn't see where the discharge was coming from, Davet could be right in thinking anal glands, they could be blocked, in which your vet can express them.
I agree get her seen at your vet's office promptly.
It could be an infection, esp with odor present. Mona