Hello. This is my first time posting here. I have a behavior Q.
We have a 8 month old rescue Calico kitten. She was an only child at first, and spoiled. Well we decided to get a puppy about a month ago, and did, he is a miniature american eskie. Well since we got him, she has been very mean to him trying to sratch his face/eyes, biting his mouth, and he will yelp, and she will go back for more! Well a couple of weeks ago when my husband told her "No" and got up, to seperate them, she starting hissing at him, (this is the first time she has ever done that), and she did it again four more times??? well, we put her on "time out" in our room, and though she was just freaking out over the dog. Well, last week she did again. And last night she did it again, only these past two times we weren't telling her no, she just hissed at us when we got near her. We are not giving our pup more attention, we introduced them the right way, she sleeps with us still, she has free range of the house,... i mean everything is all the same... ???
She is now even pooping outside her litter box? I don't understand what happened to our sweet kitty???
Please help anyone. Thank you.
My kitty is hissing at us?? why?
Re: My kitty is hissing at us?? why?
Sounds like she is having trouble adjusting to the puppy and her hissing behavior is her way of telling you she doesn't appreciate the new addition.
One thing to rule out is the possibility of your puppy actually aggrivating her at times you don't know about. Are you home all day with them, or if you're gone during the day, are the two seperated? (for safety)
Mishaps outside of the litterbox, in this case, would indicate extreme stress. You said you introduced them 'the right way', but exactly how did you introduce them...slowly and cautiously and with proper seperation times, or otherwise?
One thing to rule out is the possibility of your puppy actually aggrivating her at times you don't know about. Are you home all day with them, or if you're gone during the day, are the two seperated? (for safety)
Mishaps outside of the litterbox, in this case, would indicate extreme stress. You said you introduced them 'the right way', but exactly how did you introduce them...slowly and cautiously and with proper seperation times, or otherwise?