A little worried...

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A little worried...

Post by bzafft »

I'm a little worried about my cat, Schitz (pronounced "Skitz" - she's a schizophrenic little thing; a.k.a. Diesel for the volume of her purring)... Anyway, pretty much since the day I got her when she was 6 months old (she's 9.5 months now) she's had episodes of massive sneezing - I'm talking like 31 sneezes in a row, I counted, but she's always seemed fine once she's done and continues to play like a young cat should and eats like the dickens. But today she had another bout of sneezes and this time she sneezed something out of her mouth that was a little too disgusting for me to really examine; she really looked scared while she was sneezing; and when she finally finished she actually had a bloody nose, though it stopped bleeding almost immediately - it's barely 5 minutes later now & I already see no evidence that it was bleeding in the first place. Once again she's acting like nothing happened and is already sound asleep on my lap but I'm still a little nervous - should I be??
Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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Re: A little worried...

Post by jason »

could be irratation and/or an allergic reaction to something. given the history and now the blood, your best bet is to have a vet check her out to be sure she is healing normally from the blood discharge.

if it could be more serious, im not sure what...perhaps Traci could follow up on this.
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Re: A little worried...

Post by Traci »

Agree with Jason, need to get kitty checked by your vet promptly.

Excessive and long-going sneezing is not normal for a cat....your kitty could have a foreign embedded object, a polyp or bacterial infection or allergy to something in the environment (dust mites, dust, smoke, pollen, etc). Need to also rule out calicivirus, upper respiratory infection, herpesvirus.

The blood was probably the result of a broken capillary due to forced sneezing. However, if she has produced blood from the nose any time in the past, this definately demands a thorough exam by your vet.

Don't wait on this any longer....
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