Rolling in spit?

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Rolling in spit?

Post by emmay »

I'm not sure if this is a common thing or not...

My cat who is almost a year old was laying on the dining room table. He was spitting (and there were literally puddles) and then rolling in it on the table. He didn't do it for very long. He used to be a feral (I'm not sure how to spell it) cat, I don't know if that info helps or not.

Then later my other cat did the same thing. He didn't spit puddles though, he just licked the table and then rolled around in it. This was in the same spot on the table as my other cat had been too.

They're both indoor/outdoor cats.

Is this unordinary behavior, or is this normal?
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Re: Rolling in spit?

Post by Traci »

Could you describe the "spitting", please?
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